Hajj & Umrah

Dua and Azkar

Recite Qur’ān and do Istighfar

This  is a brief guidance and summary which excludes many details.

Example: Ifrad, Qiran, Fiqh, Women’s menstrual, consolation on sick and elders any many more.

Recite any Dua’s from memory, and may recite Qur’ān do Istighfar, Tawba, and cry to Allah SWT sincerely for all your sins also make Du’a for Family and Friends (Remmeber us in your Du’a  ).

Hajj & Umrah

Dua and Azkar


Buying necessary items

Buy all your necessity items for your Hajj and Umrah Journey according to your needs (Ihrām, Belts, Sandals, medicine etc.) Do not buy excessive items

Hajj Knowledge

Obtain maximum Hajj knowledge by attending Hajj Seminars, reading various books and memorise all important Dua’s.

Recommended books

Hajj Umrah and Ziyarah by Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz and Hisnul Muslim or Fortress of the Muslim (Available in various languages) and download good Mobile Apps.


Make sincere Tawba for all your past sins and ask forgiveness from your Parents, Family Members, Friends and Neighbours etc.

Outstanding debt

Make sure to pay all your debt or make an arrangement/agreement to pay.

Memorising Dua’s

It is important you memorise maximum Dua’s from any authentic Dua books ie. Hisnul Muslim also try to memorise all the Dua’s listed on this Chapter.

Always recite your own Dua’s in your own languages (Allah سبحانه و تعالى have knowledge of all languages).

Being Patients

Being patient is a big part of your Hajj and Umrah. Your patients will be tested throughout your Hajj and Umrah journey. Do not involved in unnecessary Fiqh issues; always control your emotions by avoiding kissing the black stone and to pray behind Maqam-e-Ibrahim and do not harm Hajis for Nafil Ibadah which is a bigger sin, InshaAllahyou will be rewarded for being patient.

Following others without knowledge

Do not follow or join with others on Ibadah which you are not 100% sure, many Bid’ah and Shirk takes place by different groups of people which looks pleasing in the eyes.

Respect and Responsibility

The street of the Al Haram has filled with litter and food! Be respectful to the house of Allah سبحانه و تعالى and keep the street of Al-Haram neat and tidy.

Step 1 – Leaving from home to airport

Getting ready to leave

Take shower, remove all un-wanted hairs, cut nails, trim moustache etc.

Recommended to use perfumes before wearing Ihrām.

Wearing Ihrām

Depending on your flight – You may wear Ihrām from home, Airport or at the transit terminal.

Choose an option which suit you best.

Upon wearing the Ihrām

DO NOT make Niyyah or start reciting the Talbiyah. .


Make Niyyah before arriving Miqat.


You may perform 2 raka’āt Nafil with Sura Kafirun and Ikhlas (After wearing the Ihrām) at home or at the airport.

Recite (Dua below) when leaving home with left foot out first.

Play Du’a

Bismil-lah, tawakkaltu alal-lah, wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah

Recite the following Dua when travelling towards the airport (Journey).

Play Du’a

Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar,

subḥaan-alladhee sakhkhara lanaa haadhaa wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineen, wa innaa ilaa rabbinaa la munqaliboon,

allaahumma innaa nas’aluka fee safarinaa haadhal-birra wat-taqwaa, wa minal-‛amali maa tarḍaaa,

allaahumma hawwin ‛alaynaa safaranaa haadhaa waṭwi ‛annaa bu‛dah,
allaahumma antaṣ-ṣaaḥibu fis-safar, wal-khaleefatu fil-ahl,

allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika min wa‛thaa’-is-safar, wa ka’aabat-il-manẓari, wa soo’-il-munqalabi fil-maali wal-ahl

Step 2 – Arriving toward Miqat

Wearing Ihrām

You MUST wear the Ihrām by now; it is FARD to wear Ihrām before reaching Miqat.

Perfumes or anything has scent ie. Soap, shampoo is not permissible after wearing Ihrām.

Making Niyyah for Umrah

Make Niyyah for Umrah “Allah-hummah labba-ye-ka bil umrah”

Niyyah can be made in your language, once Niyyah is made all Ihrām restriction applies.

Reciting Talbiyah

Start reciting Talbiyah in audible voice (Minimum Once is Wajib) and continue reciting throughout the journey.

Play Du’a

Labbayk-allaahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk, innal-ḥamda wan-ni‛mata laka wal mulk, laa shareeka lak

If you are travelling to Madina First, then you are NOT required to perform any of above however your need to perform all above when travelling from Madina to Makkah before arriving Miqat.

Step 3 – Arriving at Jeddah Airport and Makkah (Hotel)

Immigration and Airport

Expect long immigration at the Airport and be very patient.

Foods and drinks are available outside the airport.

Continue praying Talbiyah during the airport stay and toward travelling to Makkah.

Arriving at the Hotel

Leave all belonging in the hotel, have food, take shower and take nap if tired.

Preparing for Umrah

You will have the option to perform Umrah with your group and you may choose their instruction however it is difficult/impossible to follow your group leader during Tawaf and most Hajis looses concentration. Following the next few steps will guide you to perform your Umrah.

You must on wudu when making Tawaf.

Continue reciting Talbiyah until you reach Masjid Al Haram.

Step 4 – Performing Umrah

Entering Al Haram

You may enter from any gates but Tawaf starts from Hajar Al Aswad.

Stop reciting Talbiyah (No Talbiyah to be recited during Tawaf).

Enter Al-Haram with your right foot first by reciting.

Bismil-lah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolil-lah, allahummaf tah-lee aab-wa ba rahmatik

OPTIONAL (Dua below) can be recited when entering Al-Haram.

Bismillah, Was-Salatu Was-Salamu ‘Ala Rasulilah, Allahum Ighfir Lee Thunûbi, Wa Iftah Lee Abwab Rahmatik, `A’uthu Billahi Al’Atheem, Wa Bi Wajihihi Al-Kareem, Wa Bissultanihi Al-Qadeem Minal-Shaytanil Rajeem.

Upon seeing Baitullah

Recite Sura Al-Fatiha and make sincere Du’a either in Arabic or in your own language (First Du’a is accepted).

Tahiyatul Masjid

Pray Fard Salāh only if due, otherwise there is NO Tahiyatul Masjid (Nafil) during Umrah.

Starting Tawaf

Wear the Ihrām under your right armpit and over the left shoulder during all seven (7) Tawaf before reaching toward Hajar Al Aswad (Green light or black line displays on the floor).

Raise your right hand toward Hajar Al Aswad and recite

Bismillah’hi Allah hu Akbar and start Tawaf.

Note:  It is more sinful if Hajis is hurt when you force to kiss the black stone.

On first 3 Tawaf

A strong and quick walk with boldness during first three rounds, and then walk normally for the remainder four rounds (men only).

Women walk as normal.

During all Tawaf

» Recite any Dua’s from memory, and may recite Qur’ān do Istighfar, Tawba, and cry to Allah SWT sincerely for all your sins also make Du’a for Family and Friends (Du’a can be recited in any languages).

Group Dua’s or specific Dua’s for each Tawaf is not authentic or recommended.

Between Rukn-e-Yamani and Hajar Al Aswad

From Rukn-e-Yamani and Hajar Al Aswad walk normal.

Recite (Dua below) between Rukn-e-Yamani to Hajar Al Aswad as many time as possible.

Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar

If wudu breaks

Make new Wudu and start from the incomplete Tawaf. Do not repeat any completed Tawaf which you performed before braking Wuhu.

All 7 Tawaf completed

Once completed 7 Tawaf, cover your both shoulders with Ihrām.

Offer 2 Raka’ā

Pray two Raka’ā (with Sura Kafirun and Ikhlas) anywhere in Al-Haram. Do not obstruct the Hajis or Tawaf to pray behind Maqam-e-Ibrahim.

Note:  It is permissible to pray anyware in Al-Haram.


Drink Zamzam water from anywhere from Al-Haram and rub it on your face and on your body and make Dua (Always drink plenty of Zamzam during your stay).

Recite following Dua when drinking Zamzam water’.

Allahumma inni as’aluka ‘ilman nafian wa rizqan waasi’an wa shifa’an min kulli daa’in


Leave Al-Haram toward Sa’y by reciting

Bismil-lah – wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolil-lah, allahumma innee as-aluka min fadlik

Step 5 – Sa’y


Cover both shoulders with Ihrām; DO NOT wear the Ihrām under your right armpit.

Dua’s for mount Safa and Marwah

Recite (Dua below) on top of both Safa and Marwah by facing Qibla.

Innas-safa wal marwata min sha’a’irillahi faman hajjal baita ‘awi’tamara falaa janaaha ‘alaihi an yattawwafa bihima wa man tatawwa’a khiran fa’innallaha shakirun ‘aleem(un)

Dua on top of mount Safa

Once reached the top of the mount Safa, facing toward Ka’bah by raising hands recite the following Dua.3 times.

Recite the Dua THREE times.

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La illaha illAllahu wahdau la shareekalahu, lahul mul ku wa lahul hamdu, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shai’in qadeer. Laa ilaha illAllahu wahdahu anjaza wa’dahu, wa nasara ‘abdahu wa hadhamal ahzaaba wahdahu

Start Sa’y

There is no specific Dua for Sa’y, recite any Dua’s from heart, memory or by looking at good Du’a books between mount Safa and Mahwah.

You may also recite the Du’a below during Sa’y

SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar, La hawla wa laqu-aata illah billah

Between 2 Green lights

Men are to pretend as running but Women walk as normal.

Once completed all seven Sa’y, make long Du’a facing toward Ka’bah on top of mount Mahwah.

Shaving head

»Once completed all seven Sa’y, make long Du’a facing toward Ka’bah on top of mount Mahwah.

Leave Al-Haram by reciting the Du’a below.

Bismil-lah – wassalatu wassalamu ala rasoolil-lah, allahumma innee as-aluka min fadlik

Umrah completed

Once the hair is trim or shaved – Umrah is completed.

You are now free from all Ihrām restrictions.

» Do not perform excessive Nafil Umrah, exhaustion and tiredness may affect your Hajj.

» You can perform Nafil Umrah after completing your Hajj


» Pray Nafil Salāh in the Al Haram, recite Qur’an and make Tawaf only.

Preparations for Hajj

» Get cleaned – take shower, comb hair, cut nails and trim moustache etc.

Leaving a day early

» You may be asked to travel to Mina on the night of 7th Zil-Hijjah to avoid rush (This is permissible).


» You may perform 2 Raka’ā Nafil with Sura Kafirun and Ikhlas (After wearing the Ihrām) and may perform a Nafil Tawaf.


» Pray Fajr and then start your journey to Mina on 8th Zil-Hijjah, keep praying Talbiyah, Dua’s and Dhikr etc.

» Young and healthy can walk to Mina (5 miles, approx. 3 hours)

Wearing Ihrām FARD

» Make Niyyah for Hajj (according to the type of Hajj you are performing Ifrad, Qiran or Tamattu).

» Start praying Talbiyah (Perfumes is not permissible)

» Niyyah for Al Hajj “Allah-hummah labba-ye-ka bi-hajjin”

Qasr Salāh in Mina

» Do not combine your Salāh in Mina.

» Pray Zuhr, Asr, Magrib and Esha in Jam’ah in the tent as al-Qasr (Shortened).

» Spend a portion of day and night in Ibadah (Dhikr, Azkar and Istighfar) Make sure to have enough rest for Arafat.

Step 8 – 9 Zil-Hijjah (Arafat)

The Hajj Warning!

» If you miss Arafat you miss Hajj.

Early morning

» Pray Fajr in Jam’ah in the tent and spend some time on Istighfar, Dhikr and Azkar and make long Du’a until the sunrise.

Preparation and travelling to Arafat

» You can travel with your group or young and healthy can walk to Arafat (9 miles approx. 4 hours).

» Continue reciting Talbiyah towards travelling to Arafat.

On arrival in Arafat

» Arriving around Zawal – listen to the Khutb’ah in or around Nimrah Mosque and then perform the Salāh of Zuhr and Asr (combined or separate) both methods are permissible.

Dua for Arafat

» Keep reciting (Du’a below) until the sunset and if possible from or near Jabal Al Rahmah.

» Make sure the following Du’a below is recited at all time while you are in Arafat.

La ilaha illa allahu wah dahu la shareeka lahu, Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, Wa huwa ‘ala kullee shay’in qadeer

» Also recite the following Dua.

Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar

Between Asr and sunset

» Open your heart and shed tears and make sincere Tawba, Dhikr Istighfar in your own language by raising your hand (Sunnah) facing Qibla.


» It is also permissible to make Dua’s from authentic book (Group Dua’s not recommended) this day is between you and your Lord, no one knows what’s in your heart better then you!

Step 9 – 9 Zil-Hijjah Travelling toward Muzdalifah

Magrib Salāh

» DO NOT offer Magrib in Arafat and prepare for Muzdalifah by reciting Talbiyah, Dhikr on the way.
» You can travel with your group or young and healthy can walk to Muzdalifah (4 ½ miles approx. 4 hours).

Upon arriving Muzdalifah

» Combine Magrib and Esha in ‘Muzdalifah’.
» 3 Magrib, 2 Esha and 3 Witr as Qasr (Shorten) pray with one Adhan.
» Do not offer any additional prayer in between these prayers.

Blessed night

» Spend some part of the night in Ibadah, Dhikr and Azkar and try getting some rest.
» You are required to perform FOUR tasks on the following day.

Collecting Pebbles

» You may collect 49 + 21 pebbles in Muzdalifah for the Jamarāt (Pebbles can also be collected in Mina).

Step 10 – 10 Zil-Hijjah

Early morning

» Offer Fajr in Jam’ah at the earliest and make long Du’a facing Qibla until dawn.

Returning to Mina

» Start your journey to Mina (Sunnah after Fajr) on arrival; leave all your belongings in the camp.

1. Jamarāt Al-Aqabah for Stoning

» Proceed for Jamarāt Al-Aqabah (Big) for Stoning and continue reciting Talbiyah.


» Only one stoning today (7 pebbles required).

On reaching Jamarāt Al-Aqabah

» Stop reciting Talbiyah and keep Makkah to your left and Mina to your right, throw each of the seven stones at Jamarāt by reciting

Allah-hu Akbar

» There is NO DU’A after stoning Jamarāt.


» Jamarāt to be complete by mid-day.
» Old, weak or sick can perform Ram’i a little before sunset or during the night.

2. Slaughtering an animal

» Proceed toward slaughter house to sacrifice an animal.
» You will have various options to slaughtering an animal choose the option best suits you.


» If you are feeling weak or tired, the sacrifice can be performed on the 10, 11 or 12 of Zil-Hijjah.

3. Shaving and Trimming

» Once the sacrifice is completed or confirmed, shave or trim you hair (Shaving is more rewarded).
» You are permissible to wear normal cloths after the slaughtering.

4. Tawaf-i-Ifadah

» Now proceed for Tawaf-i-Ifadah toward Al-Haram (Makkah, 45 min walk) for Tawaf and Sa’y (as explained or performed during Umrah).

» This can also be performed on 10, 11 or 12 Zil-Hijjah.


» Once Tawaf-I-Ifadah is completed return to Mina before sunset.
» Spend time on performing maximum Ibadah throughout the Mina stay.

Step 11 – 11 Zil-Hijjah


» Proceed toward Jamarāt for stoning between Zawal (Mid day) until sunset (Require 21 required).
» Throw seven pebbles on the 1st Jamarāt by reciting

“Allah-hu Akbar” and make Du’a facing Qibla.

» Throw seven pebbles on the 2nd Jamarāt by reciting

Allah-hu Akbar” and make Du’a facing Qibla.

» Throw seven pebbles on the 3rd Jamarāt by reciting

“Allah-hu Akbar”

» There is NO DU’A after stoning the 3rd Jamarāt.
Note: Old, weak or sick can perform Ram’i after mid morning and during the night.

Step 12 – 12 Zil-Hijjah


» Proceed toward Jamarāt for stoning between Zawal (Mid day) until sunset (Require 21 required).
» Throw seven pebbles on the 1st Jamarāt by reciting

“Allah-hu Akbar” and make Du’a facing Qibla.

» Throw seven pebbles on the 2nd Jamarāt by reciting

“Allah-hu Akbar” and make Du’a facing Qibla.

» Throw seven pebbles on the 3rd Jamarāt by reciting

“Allah-hu Akbar”

» There is NO DU’A after stoning the 3rd Jamarāt.
Note: Old, weak or sick can perform Ram’i after mid morning and during the night.

Step 13 – 13 Zil-Hijjah

Returning to Makkah

» Your group may decided to return to hotel on the night of 12 Zil-Hijjah which is permissible however it is Sunnah to stay in Mina and leave next day after performing the Jamarāt.

Jamarāt on 13th

» If you decided to stay in Mina on the 13 Zil-Hijjah, then you MUST perform an additional stoning on the 13 Zil-Hijjah (Wajib) before travelling to Makkah as described on step 12, 13 or 14.

Step 14 – Visiting Madina and Ziyarah

Makkah Ziyarah

» On reaching Makkah you may visit various holy sites for Ziyarah and perform Nafil Umrah for rest of your Makkah stay.

Visiting the Prophet ﷺ Mosque

» Visiting Madina, the Prophet ﷺ mosque is highly encouraged but not part of Hajj.


» There is no authentic Hadith or reference to stay in Madina for 40 Jam’ah in the Prophet ﷺ mosque, stay in Madina according to your time permits.

Step 15 – Tawaf al-wida (Farewell Tawaf)

Last action

» You must perform Tawaf al-Wida as your last action before leaving Makkah for Madina or coming back home.


» It is not permissible to stay in Makkah after performing Tawaf al-Wida unless you have a valid reason ie. Flight delay etc.

Procedure for Tawaf al-Wida

» You only perform seven (7) Tawaf as explained on earlier tasks and there is NO Sa’y.

Hajj Ends

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